Our Services
All wedding services that include parties requiring a signed marriage license must have a marriage license as well as government-issued identification (i.e., ID, non-expired driver’s license, passport, etc.)
We like to tailor your vows to make them as intimate and personal as possible. We believe that your ceremony should go exactly as you envision. If that vision has us, your officiant, dress as Barney, then Barney you shall have. You should know that dressing as a purple dinosaur is going to cost you extra though HA!
There are several types of wedding ceremonies to pick from. The ceremony types include; Civil, Religious, Interfaith, Humanist, Spiritual, Commitment, Elopement or Minimony, Vow Renewal, Same-sex, and the list goes on. Picking the type of ceremony to go with on your big day is really about what best fits your idea of the perfect ceremony.
Elopement Packages
Packages $125.00-$700.00
Elopement – Our Location (English, Spanish or Bilingual)
Marriage takes place at our location of choice. Bring your marriage license, your partner and the government-issued identification. No guests $125
Firma de licencia de matrimonio. Vienes a nosotros. Traiga su licencia de matrimonio, su pareja, y la identificación emitida por el gobierno para ambas partes. No se permite invitados.
Elopement On-Site at your location within a 30-mile radius of downtown (English, Spanish or Bilingual)
This is for the couple only. We come to you (within a 20-mile radius) and sign your marriage license. You must have your marriage license and the government-issued identification for both parties. $175 approx. (does not include travel over 20 miles)
Esto es solo para la pareja. Viajamos a usted (dentro de un radio de 20 millas) y firmamos su licencia de matrimonio. Debe tener su licencia de matrimonio y la identificación emitida por el gobierno para ambas partes. (dentre 20 millas del centro) $175 approx.

Short and Sweet or Micro Wedding
Packages starting at $225.00

Wedding Bliss – Your location of choice (English, Spanish or Bilingual)
Short Wedding Ceremony with vow exchange, ring exchange, and marriage license signature. You must have your marriage license and the government-issued identification for both parties. (within a 20-mile radius of downtown. 20 guests
Una ceremonia corta tradicional o civil personalizada e íntima con intercambio de votos personalizado, intercambio de anillos y firma de licencia de matrimonio. Debe tener su licencia de matrimonio y la identificación emitida por el gobierno para ambas partes. (dentre 20 millas del centro. 20 invitados
Traditional Ceremonies
Packages start at $250.00
Traditional Ceremony (English, Spanish or Bilingual)
A personalized ceremony tailored to include your love story and includes, vow exchange, ring exchange, marriage license signature, unity ceremony, personal vow writing assistance, pronouncement and blessing. (within a 20-mile radius of downtown.
Una ceremonia personalizada diseñada para incluir su historia de amor e incluye intercambio de votos, intercambio de anillos, firma de licencia de matrimonio, ceremonia de unidad, asistencia para escribir votos personales, pronunciamiento y bendición

Vow Renewal
Packages starting at $200.00

Vow Renewal (English, Spanish or Bilingual)
Commitment or Vow Renewal Ceremony tailored to your special day. A personalized ceremony with vows, ring exchange, and any personal add-ons requested by the couple. (within a 20-mile radius of downtown)
Ceremonia de Compromiso o Renovación de Votos adaptada a su día especial. Una ceremonia personalizada con votos, intercambio de anillos y cualquier complemento personal solicitado por la pareja.
Theme Weddings
Packages start at $250.00
Theme Ceremony (English, Spanish or Bilingual)
Made-to-order character or themed ceremonies are so much fun! We will dress in any (within reason) character or personality you’d like. We can do Vampire, Elvis (yes, even fat Elvis), Zombie, Witches, Renaissance, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Princess Bride, and let us not forget our Trekkie fans! Give us enough advance notice and we can make it happen. (Within a 30-mile radius of downtown.
¡Las ceremonias temáticas o de personajes hechas a pedido son muy divertidas! Vestiremos con cualquier personaje o personalidad (dentro de lo razonable) que desees. Podemos hacer Vampiro, Elvis (sí, incluso elvis gordo), Zombie, Brujas, Renacimiento, Harry Potter, Star Wars, El Hobbit, ¡y no olvidemos a nuestros fans de Trekkie! Danos suficiente aviso con anticipación y podemos hacer que suceda.

Destination Weddings
Call for quote

Destination Wedding (English, Spanish or Bilingual)
If a destination wedding is in your plans, we can certainly accommodate you, or help make the arrangements for a minister for you. Please give us a call to discuss this option, as it is a case-by-case basis.
Si una boda de destino está en sus planes, ciertamente podemos acomodarlo o ayudarlo a hacer los arreglos para un ministro para usted. Por favor, llámenos para discutir esta opción, ya que es una base caso por caso.
Ceremonies offered in English, Spanish or Bilingual

Starting at $200.00.
Price increases if the venue is outside of 20 miles of central Houston.
Add-On Services

We can add Charcutterie Boards to your Ceremony, Cocktail Hour or Reception for 2 – 150 people.

Bartending Services for your special day

We can add the following to your big day at a small cost: Unity Candle, Wine Ceremony, Sand Ceremony, Hand Fastening Ceremony, Aras Lasso

Starting at 50.00
Public Notary Services – we will travel up to 30 miles for general notary services

Starting at $30.00
Christening / Baptism Services –

We are ready to get you married, ARE YOU?
Do you already have in mind what you are looking for on your big day? Contact us now to get your day locked in!